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Career Options

by orbinside

Career and Investment Planning

If we see, when it comes to career option availability, we have a lot of options available but in general, we have following: 

  1. Be A Professional
  2. Be A Salaried Person
  3. Be An Entrepreneur or a Business Owner  


Be a professional

means that you opt to offer your professional services which will act as support services for entrepreneur or business owner. Professional Services like Chartered Accountants (CA), Company Secretaries (CA) or Management Accountants (CMA) form the foundation stone services which will help entrepreneurs build strong compliance and audited business. Other Processional Service like legal services and other consulting services helps businesses sail through out their lifespan. 


Be a salaried person

means that you opt to work for entrepreneurs or business owners as their employees for an exchange of fixed salary against your knowledge & skills, to be utilized to grow their business. 


Be An Entrepreneur or Business Owner

means that you rather opting to work for others, you have opted to start your own business by utilizing services provided by professionals and employing Salaried persons. It is like creating a framework or platform where others can offer their services or share their knowledge and skills in exchange for remunerations and you being platform owner gets your share of money. 


The above three, as explained, form the pillars of any economic activity or economic platform. Being a professional requires professional degree, being a salaried person requires knowledge and skills but on the contrary, Entrepreneurship or Being an entrepreneur requires capital investment in addition to knowledge and skills because Entrepreneur need to pay remunerations to professionals and salaried persons before earning for themselves. That is why Entrepreneurship or Entrepreneurial journey is toughest to start and toughest to sustain. 


We are not saying that Being a professional or a salaried person is easy to achieve because everyone has their own set of problems, challenges and obstacles but they can be overcome using their knowledge and skill set. But Entrepreneurship demands more of it as it requires risk taking abilities in addition to knowledge and skills. 


We have explained career options one can opt to pursue or three pillars of any economic activity in this article. We will discuss or explain entrepreneur journey in upcoming articles of career and investment planning series. You as an audience may wonder why we have kept the article series name as Career and Investment Planning Series. But as we see, Career and Investment goes parallel as we are planning for our career, we are planning for investment as well because here through our career, we are investing in ourselves. 

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